Sunday, September 29, 2013


Since it's raining now but supposed to be dry later today, I'm postponing my morning run, an afternoon run might be a nice change of pace. So, I would like to take a moment to say ~I~LOVE~COFFEE~ There was a time many years ago that I thought I need to give up coffee and so I did, I quit drinking coffee. It was hard, I really like coffee, but still, I gave it up. Sometime later a close friend passed away. The next morning someone asked me if I wanted some coffee. Without giving it much thought I said yes, I would like some. As I sat on the deck drinking my coffee I realized I really really really like coffee. I enjoy the early morning solitude of that first cup before anyone else is awake. I enjoy it's steamy aromatic warmth after a run. It's my "comfort food" on a chilly winter night. So I'm on the deck, flooded with emotions, drinking that amazing cup of coffee and I realize once again that life is so short, so very,very short. We should cherish every single moment we are given in this life for the next one might not happen. Praise God for giving you these moments. Don't let him down by not cherishing them. Life is not always sunshine and roses, cherish it anyway. Do the small things and the big things, live every moment to the fullest. Smile.
I'm going to finish this steamy, caramely, earthy cup of comfort coffee and then it's time to get ready for church.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's a beautiful morning

There is life affirming beauty running in the fog. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, one foot in front of the other, forward motion, inspirational music in my ears, more brown leaves are swirling on the ground. I am in tune with my body, feeling the gravel crunch under my every step. As I once again conquer the hill and start down the other side I become enveloped in the fog. Right foot, left foot, I feel the soft wetness that is fog cover my body. Sweat and fog, fog and sweat. As I emerge from it's foreboding velvetyness, I am treated to an explosion of color that is the new days sunrise. It's magnificent! As if there is a trumpeting angel on every ray of sunlight. "TaDa, TaDaaaaa (sound of the trumpet) Welcome to this beautiful day you have been given"

Monday, September 23, 2013

Change your day with one run.

3 miles done before 7 am. This morning was one of those mornings that I was tired, I did not want to get up and out the door, my legs are still sore...... But...... God has gifted me with this body and it is my responsibility to take care of it. As I head out the door it is chilly and dark. I really had to fight thru the first 8 minutes. I really wanted to go back home. Then I crested that steep gravel hill and I found my strong legs. Music in my ears, I looked towards the west and noticed that the moon was still pretty high in the sky. Running along the tree line I noticed just a very few scattered fallen leaves. As I came to the end of the tree line I looked to the east and felt so lucky to be breathing in the cool fresh air while the sun put on an amazing show of color as it peaked over the horizon. With all of this wonder before me, wanting to be in bed becomes a distant, crazy thought. Now, it's time for the rest of my day.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013