Monday, September 23, 2013

Change your day with one run.

3 miles done before 7 am. This morning was one of those mornings that I was tired, I did not want to get up and out the door, my legs are still sore...... But...... God has gifted me with this body and it is my responsibility to take care of it. As I head out the door it is chilly and dark. I really had to fight thru the first 8 minutes. I really wanted to go back home. Then I crested that steep gravel hill and I found my strong legs. Music in my ears, I looked towards the west and noticed that the moon was still pretty high in the sky. Running along the tree line I noticed just a very few scattered fallen leaves. As I came to the end of the tree line I looked to the east and felt so lucky to be breathing in the cool fresh air while the sun put on an amazing show of color as it peaked over the horizon. With all of this wonder before me, wanting to be in bed becomes a distant, crazy thought. Now, it's time for the rest of my day.



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